More Neutral Color Inspiration
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LRV: 65
RGB: 209 / 210 / 203
Hex Value: #D1D2CB
Location Number: 239-C1
Available in: Interior/Exterior
Color Collections: Color ID (Minimalist), Living Well (Reflect), Finest Whites & Neutrals (Cool Neutrals)
Color Family(s): Neutral
This cool, misty hue feels perfectly light, with a twinkle of cyan gray. Great for making any room feel spacious and serene.
LRV: 61
RGB: 206 / 206 / 198
Hex Value: #CECEC6
Location Number: 239-C2
Available in: Interior/Exterior
Color Family(s): Neutral
Consider this light delicate gray in a bedroom, where it’s cool cyan undertones will create a pleasant but sophisticated ambience.
Front Porch
LRV: 60
RGB: 204 / 204 / 197
Hex Value: #CCCCC5
Location Number: 239-C3
Available in: Interior/Exterior
Color Family(s): Neutral
Relax and kick your feet up with this cool and comforting mist gray neutral. Its cyan undertone gives this hue a gentle mood and an easy disposition.
LRV: 57
RGB: 197 / 200 / 196
Hex Value: #C5C8C4
Location Number: 239-C4
Available in: Interior/Exterior
Color Family(s): Neutral
This light gray with its cool cyan undertone will spark wonder in any room. Forge a new, calmer mood in your bedroom with this gentle neutral.
LRV: 53
RGB: 194 / 192 / 186
Hex Value: #C2C0BA
Location Number: 239-C5
Available in: Interior/Exterior
Color Family(s): Neutral
Ellie Gray
LRV: 40
RGB: 170 / 169 / 164
Hex Value: #AAA9A4
Location Number: 239-C6
Available in: Interior/Exterior
Color Family(s): Neutral
Create a vivid pop of color in your bedroom with this cool, mist gray neutral and its charcoal cyan undertone – especially when you pair with a bright white.
Stamped Concrete
LRV: 35
RGB: 160 / 160 / 154
Hex Value: #A0A09A
Location Number: 239-C7
Available in: Interior/Exterior
Color Collections: Colormix Forecast 2021 (Tapestry)
Color Family(s): Neutral
Create a cool and relaxed mood with this sturdy gray and its cyan undertone. Pairs wonderfully with other cool neutrals like Gossamer Veil.