More Blue Color Inspiration

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LRV: 71
RGB:192 / 227 / 218
Hex Value: #C0E3DA
Location Number: 162-C1
Available in: Interior/Exterior
Color Family(s): Blue


LRV: 59
RGB: 161 / 212 / 200
Hex Value: #A1D4C8
Location Number: 162-C2
Available in: Interior/Exterior
Color Family(s): Blue


LRV: 49
RGB: 137 / 198 / 183
Hex Value: #89C6B7
Location Number: 162-C3
Available in: Interior/Exterior
Color Family(s): Blue


LRV: 41
RGB: 112 / 186 / 167
Hex Value: #70BAA7
Location Number: 162-C4
Available in: Interior/Exterior
Color Family(s): Blue

Jargon Jade

LRV: 30
RGB: 83 / 163 / 143
Hex Value: #53A38F
Location Number: 162-C6
Available in: Interior/Exterior
Color Family(s): Blue

LRV: 20
RGB: 54 / 137 / 118
Hex Value: #368976
Location Number: 162-C5
Available in: Interior/Exterior
Color Family(s): Blue
Maxi Teal

LRV: 11
RGB: 1 / 108 / 79
Hex Value: #016C4F
Location Number: 162-C7
Available in: Interior
Color Family(s): Blue
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