More Orange Color Inspiration

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LRV: 68
RGB:240 / 209 / 195
Hex Value: #F0D1C3
Location Number: 118-C1
Available in: Interior/Exterior
Color Family(s): Orange

Cosmetic Peach

LRV: 60
RGB: 243 / 193 / 171
Hex Value: #F3C1AB
Location Number: 118-C2
Available in: Interior/Exterior
Color Family(s): Orange


LRV: 40
RGB: 228 / 151 / 128
Hex Value: #E49780
Location Number: 118-C3
Available in: Interior/Exterior
Color Family(s): Orange


LRV: 30
RGB: 221 / 120 / 97
Hex Value: #DD7861
Location Number: 118-C4
Available in: Interior/Exterior
Color Collections: Colormix Forecast 2022 (Ephemera)
Color Family(s): Orange


LRV: 21
RGB: 198 / 95 / 71
Hex Value: #C65F47
Location Number: 118-C6
Available in: Interior/Exterior
Color Family(s): Orange
Hearty Orange

LRV: 15
RGB: 180 / 75 / 52
Hex Value: #B44B34
Location Number: 118-C5
Available in: Interior/Exterior
Color Family(s): Orange

LRV: 17
RGB:192 / 77 / 53
Hex Value: #C04D35
Location Number: 118-C7
Available in: Interior/Exterior
Color Family(s): Orange
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