More Blue Color Inspiration

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LRV: 73
RGB:194 / 229 / 229
Hex Value: #C2E5E5
Location Number: 164-C1
Available in: Interior/Exterior
Color Family(s): Blue


LRV: 64
RGB: 167 / 220 / 220
Hex Value: #A7DCDC
Location Number: 164-C2
Available in: Interior/Exterior
Color Family(s): Blue

Bora Bora Shore

LRV: 56
RGB: 146 / 208 / 208
Hex Value: #92D0D0
Location Number: 164-C3
Available in: Interior/Exterior
Color Family(s): Blue


LRV: 46
RGB: 110 / 194 / 196
Hex Value: #6EC2C4
Location Number: 164-C4
Available in: Interior/Exterior
Color Family(s): Blue


LRV: 32
RGB: 58 / 169 / 174
Hex Value: #3AA9AE
Location Number: 164-C6
Available in: Interior/Exterior
Color Family(s): Blue

LRV: 18
RGB: 1 / 133 / 139
Hex Value: #6572A5
Location Number: 164-C5
Available in: Interior/Exterior
Color Family(s): Blue
Maxi Teal

LRV: 13
RGB: 1 / 116 / 120
Hex Value: #017478
Location Number: 164-C7
Available in: Interior/Exterior
Color Family(s): Blue
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